Released this morning, it found that schools that use the term “white privilege” contributed to the “systemic neglect” of white working-class pupils. The Commons Education Committee report claimed that many white pupils are left behind their similarly disadvantaged peers of other ethnicities at ages five, 16 and 18.
Tory MP and Committee chairman Robert Halfon said: “The concept of ‘white privilege’ is wrong-headed for a number of reasons.
“It’s wrong-headed because it says there is collective guilt when it should be individual responsibility for racist acts.
“All the data shows white working-class boys and girls on free school meals from disadvantaged backgrounds underperform at every stage of the education system compared to most other ethnic cohorts.”
Instead of supporting the government’s “levelling up” agenda to spread wealth evenly across all demographics, Ms Rayner stepped into the row to slam the Tories.
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Another said: “I asked my daughter when she came home preaching about white privilege – what do the white kids from struggling families think?
“Do they see themselves as more privileged than some of the middle-class ethnic kids who get dropped off in Mercs?”
Meanwhile a third questioned: “Has the Labour Party started to form any policies yet?
“It’s very difficult to know what the party stands for at the moment?”
Faced with a barrage of criticism, the Labour politician later tweeted to “clarify” her position by going on to attack the Tories further.
She said: “White working-class pupils, like working-class pupils from all races & ethnicities, have been let down by Tory cuts to schools, further education colleges, Sure Start centres & youth clubs + Tory cuts to EMA, trebling of tuition fees & scrapping of maintenance grants.”
She added: “A kid growing up on free school meals in Tottenham is neglected by the Tories just as much as a kid growing up on free school meals in Ashton, Oldham, Failsworth or Droylsden.
“Don’t let them play divide and rule, that just means working-class kids everywhere lose under the Tories.”
She spoke after Kim Johnson, the Labour MP for Liverpool Riverside and a member of the committee, said she disowned the report.
Ms Johnson told the Guardian: “I’m not happy with quite a lot of information contained in it.
“I’m not happy about the whole section on white privilege.
“The inquiry cherry-picked data. I think they were trying to create a bit of a culture war.”