No such thing as bad publicity? Nadia Bartel gains THOUSANDS of new Instagram followers after snorting scandal – despite losing sponsorship deals with major brands
Nadia Bartel is at the center of the year’s biggest celebrity scandal after footage leaked of her snorting a white powder and breaking lockdown restrictions.
And despite losing brand deals and being publicly humiliated, it appears that the former WAG’s social media star power could be increasing.
According to Social Blade , the 36-year-old’s Instagram following has grown by approximately 11,000 new followers.
Superstar: Nadia Bartel has gained thousands of Instagram followers since her snorting scandal
Her following considerably spiked around September 3rd, when she issued a public apology on Instagram, and has continued to grow ever since.
The socialite now boasts an impressive 567,000 followers in total on Instagram.
Nadia was recorded snorting white powder off a $1.50 Kmart plate in a video mistakenly shared to Instagram by her friend and business partner Ellie Pearson.
Pearson had meant to send the video to her sister, but due to a cracked phone screen posted it on social media by accident and didn’t delete it until 10 minutes later.
Nadia later apologised for the incident and vowed to make ‘better choices in the future’.
In the aftermath of the scandal, Nadia has been dumped by a two brands in the wake of her viral video scandal.
Picture perfect: The socialite now boasts an impressive 567,000 followers in total on Instagram after picking up around 11,000 new fans after her scandal
On Monday, Hairhouse Australia, a haircare and beauty company, has confirmed that they are no longer working with Nadia.
In a statement shared to Daily Mail Australia, a spokesperson for Hairhouse Australia said: ‘We can confirm that our contract with Nadia Bartel was a one-off campaign and has expired.’
Earlier on Monday, the So Dramatic Instagram account shared a statement from Hairhouse Australia that said their ‘partnership with Nadia has come to an end’.
Scandal: Nadia was recorded snorting white powder off a $1.50 Kmart plate in a video mistakenly shared to Instagram by her friend and business partner Ellie Pearson
The statement went on: ‘As a result of Nadia’s actions, we have removed all affiliation with Nadia as an ambassador for Hairhouse’.
Nadia had last promoted the company on her Instagram on July 18, filming a hair tutorial video in a paid partnership.
On Sunday, JSHealth, a company who sell vitamins and supplements and are popular in Instagram circles, also dumped Nadia as an ambassador after she had previously endorsed the brand on her social media.
Dumped: On Monday, Hairhouse Australia, a haircare and beauty company, has confirmed that they are no longer working with Nadia
Ditched: JSHealth, a company who sell vitamins and supplements, also dumped Nadia as an ambassador after she had previously endorsed the brand on her social media
However, in a post shared to JSHealth founder Jessica Sepel’s Instagram page on Sunday, the vitamin merchant went out of her way not to call Nadia by name – instead bizarrely referring to her as ‘this individual’.
Sepel wrote: ‘Today I’ve had to make a hard decision as the founder and face of my brand, and let go of a brand endorser. I have to stand for what’s right.
‘We are a health brand who is very serious about aligning with individuals who share the same values.’
Nadia had previously promoted the trendy vitamin and wellness company, having spruiked the brand as recently as on August 4.
New fans: Nadia’s following considerably spiked around September 3rd, when she issued a public apology on Instagram, and has continued to grow ever since