9 things to check to avoid skin cancer
The MOLE Clinic recommends yearly mole checks and regular self-monitoring, especially after spending continued time out in the sun.
Melanoma can appear initially as an unusual, new or changing mole and early detection saves lives, therefore following the ‘ABCDEFG Rule’ is key:
Look for moles that are asymmetrical in shape, where one half of the mole is unlike the other.
Does the mole have an irregular border? Is it scalloped, jagged or poorly defined?
Colour and Comparison
Does the mole have more than one colour and does the mole look different to your other moles?
Check the diameter of the mole to see if it is bigger than 7mm (about the size of the end of a pencil).
However, most skin cancers start off smaller than this and it is important to check for any lesion that is new, changing or unusual, regardless of size.
Is the mole evolving or changing size shape or colour?
Elevated, Firm to touch and Growing
Is the skin lesion elevated, firm to touch and growing in a sustained manner?