'Hull kids have the very opposite of privilege' Alan Johnson slams white privilege



    Following a report from MP Robert Halfon which has outlined how over 900,000 white working-class kids are underperforming in schools compared to other disadvantaged kids from ethnic backgrounds, former Home Secretary and Labour MP Alan Johnson questioned why this is happening. He slammed the concept of white privilege and instead said how the focus needed to be shifted to social class, not a race.

    Mr Johnson said: “This is more to do with social close than with racial ethnicity.

    “I don’t know where this term white privilege comes from.”

    He added: “To get a Select Committee report leading the news as this one is you need to give it a strap line and I think white privilege helped to do that.

    “I have never heard the term being used anywhere in education and I doubt it is used now.”

    He stressed: “This is about social class… it is about early years.”

    Mr Johnson explained how in chldhood “there is disparity between a bright kid from a poor working class family, their chances in life are declining, compared to a less bright kid from a more privileged background.

    “It doesn’t start when they are ten or fifteen, it starts when they are about 18-months!

    “Their early years are crucuial.”

    More to follow…


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