Gardening experts Diarmuid Gavin and Pippa Greenwood shared their views during the appearance on Good Morning Britain. They discussed how gardening can affect the environment.
“With increasing urbanisation and intensive farming, gardens are often the last refuge of wildlife so we should more garden for the bees.
“And maybe cut down on the amount of manicured gardens we have and let plants be.”
He suggested homeowners cut back on weeding as allowing them to grow could also benefit the ecosystem.
Diarmuid continued: “And encourage, even in ordinary lawns, weeds, dandelions, daisies. They produce an enormous amount of pollen so we shouldn’t be worried about them.”
In response to his comments, plant biologist Pippa Greenwood claimed gardening is actually beneficial for the environment and wildlife.
Pippa said: “I think you’ve got to remember that if you have a hobby, there really isn’t anything that’s much better for the environment than gardening.
“Whether in a totally manicured way or whether you let it all run wild, it’s still fantastically good for wildlife.
“So I think all this thing about banning lawns is totally ridiculous.”
She stated having a range of plants is good for wildlife but did not see the need in leaving gardens ungroomed or getting rid of lawns.
“When you’ve got that mixture of plants which you will get in a garden, then there’s no question about it being good for wildlife,” Pippa added.
“If you do your bit and cut down dramatically or totally, you really are doing nothing other than being good for the environment.
“I think this whole banning lawns is just absolutely barking.”
Diarmuid responded with suggestions of how Britons can encourage wildlife in their gardens by doing more in the space where their lawns are.
“We have to encourage habitats, we have to garden in a much more messy way,” he said.
“Thousands and thousands of creatures live in our gardens as well as we do. Only a couple of them cause us problems as gardeners.
“Introducing wildlife, introducing habitats, creating piles of logs for hedgehogs to live in, introducing some water and maybe we’ll get toads and frogs and they’ll do away with the snails and slugs.”