Arthritis: Five of the most powerful spices to reduce pain and cartilage damage



    “I think people are often surprised at what a great anti-inflammatory source spices can be,” said dietitian Kim Larson. “But the more anti-inflammatory spices you eat, the more you are tamping down on chronic inflammation.” One condition notorious for inflammation is rheumatoid arthritis, which usually affects the hands, feet, and wrists. The autoimmune disease is brought on when the immune system attacks the cells within the joints.

    These antioxidant ingredients “help inhibit cell damage caused by free radicals”, the Arthritis Foundation stated.

    However, only using cinnamon to combat an arthritis flare-up is unlikely to work.

    This is because cinnamon needs to be consumed in conjunction with other spices to “offer a cumulative anti-inflammatory effect”.

    Another spice to infiltrate into your daily cooking is cayenne – a type of hot chilli pepper.

    “Chilli peppers contain natural compounds called capsaicinoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties,” the charity explained.

    Stuck for ideas on where you can add cayenne pepper into your cooking? They’re a great addition to sauces and marinades.

    Ginger is another great spice to take advantage of, as it can directly block inflammation pathways in the body.

    Gingerol and shogaol are the chemicals within ginger that lead to this remarkable pain relief.

    The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis might be lessened if you also consume garlic.

    “Garlic contains diallyl disulfide, an anti-inflammatory compound that limits the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines,” the Arthritis Foundation added.

    “Therefore, garlic can help fight inflammation and may even help prevent cartilage damage from arthritis.”

    The best way to gain the most powerful punch of anti-inflammatory properties is to opt for fresh garlic in your cooking.

    Turmeric is also powerful enough to block inflammatory cytokines and enzymes in inflammatory pathways.

    “Several human trials have shown an anti-inflammatory benefit,” said the Arthritis Foundation.

    This means the component within turmeric (curcumin) reduces joint pain and swelling.

    The five best spices to reduce painful arthritis symptoms:

    1. Cinnamon
    2. Cayenne pepper
    3. Ginger
    4. Garlic
    5. Turmeric.


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