World’s smallest horse who weighs less than a watermelon is best friends with 3 bulldogs



    Six-week-old Peabody is smaller than most dogs and weighs just 19 pounds. He was abandoned by his mother because he was too small to reach her udder but now lives the life of luxury indoors – with his three doggy best friends.

    His new owner, Faith Smith, 55, is a miniature horse trainer from San Diego. She said: “Peabody is the smallest horse in the world at his age. Horses are never indoor animals, but Peabody is so small that he could never live outside unless he gets bigger, and we are not sure if he will.”

    Peabody’s original owners told Ms Smith that vets had suggested having him euthanised after he struggled to wean from his mother, he couldn’t walk, his jaw was out of line and they thought he was deaf and blind.

    Despite this, Ms Smith wouldn’t hear of it and drove across the country to adopt him.

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    Since his adoption, Peabody’s head has grown and his jaw has aligned. He has also learned to walk and can see perfectly fine, and despite being deaf, Peabody has adjusted well to his new owner.

    Ms Smith is also working on getting Peabody potty trained.

    Ms Smith continued: “At present, he lives inside the house with the dogs.

    “I will keep him forever, but I hope he gets bigger so he can go out with other horses. Otherwise, he is just going to be a house horse.”


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