Teenager found dead by horrified revellers after three-day house party



    Joshua Speck, 19, was found dead by fellow party-goers at the property. His inquest heard he had stopped breathing and blood had started coming from his mouth.

    Friends said Joshua was already under the influence of drugs at the start of the party in the Wincolmlee area of the city on July 24, 2020.

    His inquest, held in Hull yesterday, heard he had been taking illicit drugs to deal with ADHD, Hull Live reports.

    When he was later diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, Joseph was already addicted to the drugs.   

    The party began on a Friday and continued throughout the weekend to Sunday night – July 26 – when Joshua was discovered lifeless.

    A friend, who was at the gathering, said: “I got to the party at about 8.30pm on the Friday and Josh looked like he was already under the influence of something.

    “I saw him take a number of drugs from the Friday to the Sunday including Valium, diazepam, ketamine, MDMA and weed.

    “We both topped and tailed in a bed in the early hours of the Sunday and I got up the next day to go out for a bit and he was crashed out.

    “At about 8.30pm that evening I noticed there was blood coming from his mouth. One guy there began giving CPR and an ambulance was called.

    “Josh took so many drugs that weekend something was bound to happen.”

    Another close friend of Joshua’s also told the inquest what happened at the party.

    He said: “I have known Josh for three years and saw him almost every day.

    “He regularly took drugs and has done so for a long time. There is no drug I hadn’t seen him take.

    “I saw him take a number of drugs at the party which included Valium, Xanax, cocaine, weed and methadone.

    “He seemed to be his usual self at the party and not distressed at all.”

    Assistant coroner for Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire, Ian Sprakes, concluded Joshua’s death was “drug-related”.

    He said: “Joshua did have an insight into the damage drugs and alcohol were having on him and sought help but that never came to a successful conclusion.

    “This was a very sad and tragic case involving the loss of a young and intelligent man. His loss is extremely distressing.

    “He clearly had potential but he was struggling in life with various medical conditions and Asperger’s syndrome.”

    PC Graham Boynton, of Humberside Police, investigated Joshua’s death and described the scene as a “drug-fuelled party”.

    He confirmed there had been one arrest at the scene of Joshua’s death for being “concerned in the supply of a controlled drug”.

    He said Joshua’s death was not suspicious and that it was a “tragic accident due to a cocktail of drugs”.

    The teen died as a result of cardiorespiratory depression due to the toxic effects of methadone, codeine, cocaine and MDMA, a pathologist told the hearing.

    In a statement Joshua’s grief-stricken mum described the difficulties Joshua faced with his mental health issues and the problems in getting an accurate diagnosis.

    She described him as a “happy and loving” little boy who fixated on things such as Power Rangers and wrestling.

    She said Joshua got on fantastically well with his younger brothers but she began to notice he had problems emotionally.

    She said: “He seemed to enjoy school but as he got older he began to struggle. He had problems grasping other people’s emotions.”

    Joshua had an IQ of 131 which is well above average and almost classed as high IQ.

    He was caught smoking and truanting at school so his parents sought professional help through child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS).

    In 2011, Joshua was diagnosed with ADHD and was given medication but it didn’t seem to help and his behaviour continued to spiral.

    He said the medication just made him feel numb and he wanted to come off it.

    Joshua became aggressive at home and began to take an interest in far right groups, the inquest heard. By this stage, aged 14, he was also taking MDMA and smoking cannabis.

    He even carved a swastika into his arm and his mum took the heartbreaking decision to seek foster care for him.

    It was only later that Joshua was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome.

    Eventually, Joshua moved in with the family of a friend in 2016 and stayed there until February 2020 before he moved into a hostel.

    His mum said: “Joshua told me he hated the way he had treated people in the past.

    “He used to write songs and played the guitar. He loved music and enjoyed watching live bands.”

    Joshua took an overdose at the end of 2019 and became an in-patient at hospital where he undertook detoxification.

    He seemed to settle as lockdown came into force in March 2020, the inquest heard.

    His mum said: “He did a lot of reading and cooking. I helped him with his benefits and he seemed to be getting himself together.”

    When lockdown was lifted Joshua fell into drugs once more.

    His mum said: “When lockdown finished he returned to his old ways and began taking drugs once more. He just went at 100mph.

    “His death has been devastating and hasn’t really sunk in but it was not entirely unexpected.”


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