Sajid Javid delivered Boris stinging Brexit rebuke before securing Health Secretary job


    Sajid Javid outlines his ‘priorities’ as health secretary

    Mr Javid has said he wants to see a return to normal “as quickly as possible” in his first day as the new Health Secretary. He replaces Matt Hancock who resigned after Tory MPs, ministers and grassroots Conservatives defied Mr Johnson’s decision to accept his apology and called for his dismissal. It comes as footage appearing to show Mr Hancock kissing his closest aide, Gina Coladeangelo, and therefore breaking his own COVID-19 rules in White Hall was leaked during the week. 

    The resignation will come as a blow to Mr Johnson who stood by the 42-year-old following his apology.

    Mr Javid is widely considered a safe pair of hands given his previous role in Government and brief spell as Chancellor.

    While he and Mr Johnson had a closing working relationship, the pair locked horns on more than one occasion.

    One of their most contentious disagreements was on Brexit and how to deliver it.

    Sajid Javid: The new Health Secretary previously rebuked Boris Johnson over his Brexit rhetoric

    Sajid Javid: The new Health Secretary previously rebuked Boris Johnson over his Brexit rhetoric (Image: GETTY)

    Health Secretary: Javid speaking to the press shortly after his appointment

    Health Secretary: Javid speaking to the press shortly after his appointment (Image: GETTY)

    A heated instance led to Mr Javid publicly rebuking Mr Johnson for language he used to describe Brexit in the hands of the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, and then Prime Minister Theresa May.

    Writing in the Mail on Sunday, he said Mrs May had put the UK constitution in a “suicide vest” and handed the detonator to Mr Barnier.

    Appearing on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show the same day, Mr Javid said it was clear Mr Johnson held different opinions to Mrs May on Brexit.

    He said: “I think there are much better ways to articulate your differences.

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    Matt Hancock: He resigned from his role on Saturday

    Matt Hancock: He resigned from his role on Saturday (Image: GETTY)

    “It’s a reminder for all of us in public policy, whichever party we represent, to use measured language because I think that’s what the public want to see.”

    Although, he was quick to add that he did not believe Mr Johnson was Islamophobic.

    Others echoed Mr Javid’s words.

    Then Communities Secretary James Brokenshire told Sky News’ Sophy Ridge he thought Mr Johnson had used the wrong “tone” in the article.


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    Boris Johnson: He and Javid have had a close working relationship over the years

    Boris Johnson: He and Javid have had a close working relationship over the years (Image: GETTY)

    UK politics: Javid assumes the role in the midst of Britain's worst health crisis in living memory

    UK politics: Javid assumes the role in the midst of Britain’s worst health crisis in living memory (Image: GETTY)

    He added: “I think he is wrong on this – I think the tone that he has used isn’t right and I think that we just need to be very focused on actually moving forward with the Chequers plan.”

    Dominic Cummings, Mr Johnson’s former advisor, reignited his feud with Mr Javid on hearing his appointment, branding him an “awful” replacement.

    Mr Cummings caused a storm in Westminster after giving damning evidence of what he claimed proved the Government’s complete failure to handle the pandemic which unncessarily cost thousands of lives.

    Mr Javid resigned from his role as Chancellor last year after being told he had to sack all his advisers if he wanted to keep his job.

    Matt Hancock facts: He has served as an MP since 2010

    Matt Hancock facts: He has served as an MP since 2010 (Image: Express Newspapers)

    Responding to the news, Mr Cummings suggested in a tweet that Mr Johnson’s wife, Carrie Symonds, was responsible for getting Mr Javid back on the frontbench.

    He also appeared to imply that he had intentionally pushed the PM to force Mr Javid out from his past role as chancellor.

    Mr Cummings tweeted: “So Carrie appoints Saj! NB If I hadn’t tricked PM into firing Saj, we’d have had a [HM Treasury] with useless SoS/spads, no furlough scheme, total chaos instead of JOINT 10/11 team which was a big success.

    Dominic Cummings: The PM's former advisor has reignited his feud with Javid

    Dominic Cummings: The PM’s former advisor has reignited his feud with Javid (Image: GETTY)

    “Saj = bog standard = chasing headlines + failing = awful for NHS,” Mr Cummings said, before adding “need #RegimeChange”.

    No 10 has yet to comment on Mr Cummings’ tweet.

    In a statement announcing he had been asked to serve as Health Secretary, Mr Javid said he looked “forward to contributing to our fight against the pandemic, and serving my country from the Cabinet once again.”


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