November horoscope: Russell Grant shares your monthly reading – full details


    Aries (Mar21/Apr20) 

    A stern boss undermines your enjoyment of a work project on the 6th, causing you to reconsider whether you still want to work together. The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th brings an end to a steady income source, inviting you to strategise about attracting other money-making opportunities.

    Professional talks go nowhere on the 9th; postpone meaningful work conversations for another day. The 10th invites you to put your troubles aside and enjoy some rest and relaxation in a private hideaway. A passionate romance heats up on the 14th, making you excited about the future. Beware of blurting out painful secrets on the 19th.

    Taurus (Apr21/May21)

    Erratic behaviour creates havoc in a close relationship on the 5th; don’t make any rash decisions without talking to your best friend, romantic partner, or business colleague. The tension between your personal and professional lives on the 6th prompts you to work smarter, not harder.

    On the 8th, the Lunar Eclipse warns against making any significant changes to your appearance; turn a deaf ear to a loved one who urges you to undergo a cosmetic procedure, adopt a new look, or alter your hairstyle. Starting on the 14th, you’ll attract greater financial abundance and more affection. Accept a friend’s generous gesture on the 16th.

    Gemini (May22/June21)

    Don’t take a boss’s criticism about your work to heart on the 5th; it’s simply the product of jealousy. On the 8th, the Lunar Eclipse marks the end of a period of isolation that makes you self-conscious; prepare for a happier, healthier future.

    Don’t obsess over a disapproving expert on the 9th; have the courage of your convictions as a world-class thinker. A fabulous job opportunity becomes available on the 10th; embrace it with open arms. Your career prospects get even better on the 14th, causing your confidence to soar. On the 17th, you’ll be invited to focus more fully on an important business or romantic partnership.

    Cancer (June22/July23)

    The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th sends shock waves through your social circle; it’s time to distance yourself from people whose values clash with your own. The 10th is a great time to venture out of your nook and meet someone special or book a luxurious trip with the one you love.

    A caring business or romantic partner comes to your rescue on the 12th; accept their help with an open and grateful heart. On the 14th, you have a lovely opportunity to study a subject that feeds your soul; sign up for a course before all the places are filled. The 19th warns against second-guessing yourself when talking to an expert; your instincts are right on target.

    Leo (July24/Aug23) 

    The 5th isn’t a good time to make drastic decisions about relocating for work. The tension between your family and personal life erupts on the 6th; it’s important to protect your right to love who and what you want.

    On the 8th, the Lunar Eclipse brings an end to a nerve-wracking career matter; you can breathe a sigh of relief. Your wounded heart begins to heal on the 10th when you let go of limited thinking about love and money. Getting financing for a dream home is a strong possibility on the 14th; put a down payment on property that makes your heart sing. Accepting additional responsibilities at work on the 18th puts you in a power position.

    Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)

    On the 8th, the Lunar Eclipse marks the end of a painful legal situation that drained your energy; rejoice in the knowledge you have been set free from this struggle. Be compassionate with a business that experiences staffing shortages on the 9th; kind words yield surprising rewards.

    Your best friend or romantic partner gives you positive reinforcement on the 10th; let their loving words sink into your soul. An engagement or marriage is strongly preferred on the 14th, when you’ll be fully aligned with your romantic partner; if you’re single, you will meet someone special at a cultural event. The 16th is fantastic for signing a contract or entering a business deal.


    Libra (Sept24/Oct23) 

    Resist the temptation to indulge in retail therapy on the 5th; the comfort you seek comes from spiritual pursuits. Don’t let a gloomy romance rain on your parade on the 6th; you don’t need anyone’s permission to be happy. The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th marks the conclusion of a turbulent business or romantic relationship; embrace your freedom.

    A fantastic job opportunity arrives on the 10th, allowing you to earn money from your considerable artistic talent. The results of a health regimen pay off handsomely on the 14th; give yourself a nice reward for your hard work. Don’t let a loud-mouthed expert undermine your enthusiasm for a creative project on the 19th.

    Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

    Don’t let an erratic person in your inner circle break your stride on the 5th; stay on the path that makes you happiest. A stern relative doesn’t approve of your passionate ways on the 6th, but that’s their problem. On the 8th, the Lunar Eclipse puts an end to a painful relationship dynamic, allowing you to come into your personal power.

    An exciting flirtation makes the 10th lifts your spirits, breaking an unlucky streak in love. The 14th is ideal for showing off your creative talent to an appreciative audience. Positive feedback from an influential person gives you the courage to make a bold move on the 18th. Taking an emotional or financial risk pays off handsomely on the 19th.

    Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

    On the 8th, the Lunar Eclipse throws a tedious job out of your orbit; set your sights on a career path that allows a lot more adventure. The 10th allows you to withdraw from public life to recharge your batteries. Home is where the heart is on the 12th; invite your nearest and dearest over for a movie marathon.

    Starting on the 14th, you’ll attract admiring glances wherever you go; use your charisma to promote your personal and professional agendas. Your popularity soars on the 17th, when your social media posts get enthusiastic receptions. Financial support from a hidden benefactor gives you a spiritual boost on the 20th.

    Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) 

    Financial limitations cause problems with a friend on the 6th; don’t assume they can afford an expensive outing. The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th brings a period of rest and relaxation to a close; it’s time to jump back into the social pool. The 9th warns against entering salary negotiations; it’s best to postpone these talks until the second half of November. Arguments with friends could erupt on the 10th about differing values; prepare for some difficult conversations.

    Your leadership skills will be welcomed by a powerful group on the 12th. Starting a job search on the 17th will be fruitful; it’s a great time to send out applications and resumes.

    Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

    Don’t let an emotional upheaval affect your public image on the 5th; wait a full day before responding to upsetting posts on social media. Shaming someone on the 6th will be a waste of time; send them love and compassion instead. The Lunar Eclipse on the 8th prompts you to change your approach to a provocative relative; it may be time to cut off this relationship. Be open to a colleague’s bold ideas on the 9th, even if they seem impractical.

    Accept an boss’s invitation to venture out of your comfort zone on the 10th. A lucrative job will be offered to you on the 14th; go out and celebrate with friends.

    Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) 

    On the 8th, the Lunar Eclipse will send a disruptive message about a travel or learning opportunity; be as flexible as possible when rescheduling. The 10th is ideal for showing off your creative abilities, preferably to experts who really appreciate your talent. Signing a contract or contacting a prospective client is possible on the 12th. Your allure turns heads on the 14th, putting you on the path to an exciting adventure.

    Starting on the 21st, you will benefit from updating your online professional and social profiles. The New Moon on the 23rd attracts a fantastic career opportunity that allows you a greater measure of independence.


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