'Have to protect!' Russian propagandists turn on Vladimir Putin over mobilisation order


    Russian propagandists have turned on Vladimir Putin after the Kremlin’s mobilisation order led to chaotic scenes with many attempting to flee the country to avoid conscription. The Russian President issued his mobilisation order last Tuesday but now prominent propagandists have criticised the move.

    The plan to bring in 300,000 additional troops has been slammed after recruitment officers reportedly attempted to draft men who are ineligible to serve under Putin’s decree.

    The order was instead supposed to target younger Russian men with combat experience.

    Margarita Simonyan was one key warmonger who criticised Russia’s recruitment officers.

    She said: “Do you really think that if (Putin) did not even want to send conscripts to Ukraine, he meant to send there hairdressers, female cardiologists, people with broken spines, the teacher of the year from Pskovk, an orchestra musician or a theatre director?

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    “This is not the horrible liberal scum on the payroll of the West: These are our people and our nation we have to protect.”

    TV host Olga Skabeyeva even urged criminal prosecution for those who abuse their powers in drafting men.

    State-media outlet RIA Novosti also claimed a 33-year-old sports reporter was barred from boarding a plane for the Turkish Mediterranean coast on Monday due to the mobilisation order.

    There has also been a surge in Russians crossing the border into the European Union.

    Russian difficulties with its recruitment drive were also picked up by the Ministry of Defence.

    In an intelligence update, the MoD said: “This aspiration will likely be undermined by the increasing domestic awareness of Russia’s recent battlefield sets-backs and significant unease about the partial mobilisation announced last week.”


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