Live longer: Combination of physical activities could slash risk of death by 47% –...

Published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, new research has reinforced previous evidence that exercise offers strong protection against death from ill-health....

Reduce energy bills with small changes to home – save £580 by changing boiler

Energy bills remain high as the weather starts to turn colder. Experts at have shared their top five tips on how to...

Four lifestyle changes offer the 'best hope' of reducing your risk of cancer finds...

Despite heroic efforts, cancer is yet to be eradicated. This speaks to the intractability of cancerous cells. However, recent research published in the...

Lifting weights as you get older cuts risk of dying young

Researchers found that adults who did only weightlifting but no aerobic exercise had a 9 to 22 percent lower mortality risk from all...

Bank of England triggers emergency action plan as UK's financial stability at risk

The Bank of England has announced it will be carrying out "temporary purchases of long-dated UK government bonds" in a desperate attempt to...

Panicking Putin joins forces with Taliban and strikes deal to export gas, oil and...

Russia and the Taliban regime in Afghanisation have signed a new deal to send supplies of gasoline, diesel, gas and wheat, Acting Afghan...

Visceral fat: Eggs could help ‘significantly’ reduce harmful belly fat concludes new study

Cholecystokinin is a gut hormone which helps your digestion and reduces your appetite.Plus, feeling full for longer can help you take control of...

Keep 'bags with water' in the freezer to save hundreds – 'will reduce your...

Kitchen appliances are one of the biggest consumers of energy in the house, especially the fridge and freezer. Savings expert at discounts platform...

Boiler expert shares three ways to reduce damp in your home this winter –...

Mark added: “These rooms are more vulnerable to condensation and damp, therefore, try to heat every room as often as you can.”2. Keep...

Heart attack: ‘Difficulty' regulating emotions can increase your risk – 'dangerous'

Heart attacks are a common form of heart disease, one experienced by thousands of people in the UK every year. While they are...

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