'BBC hates Britain!' Dawn Neesom demands licence fee axed as taxpayers still paying Bashir


    Columnist Dawn Neesom fired both barrels at the BBC after she was reminded Martin Bashir was still being reportedly paid £2,000 a week while he works out his notice. Ms Neesom clashed with fellow political commentator Benjamin Butterworth as they argued whether firing Mr Bashir would somehow make the BBC claim responsibility for the “deceit” allegations. It comes as an independent inquiry found the BBC and Mr Bashir used fake documents and false narratives to win the trust of Princess Diana to interview her.

    Speaking on TalkRADIO, host James Max brought up the BBC for discussion which saw Ms Neesom interject with the view the corporation “hates Britain”.

    Mr Max recapped the recent developments of the BBC/Diana scandal and explained the BBC has now rehired Mr Bashir but he is working out his notice period due to health issues. 

    Ms Neesom called for him to be sacked as he is still being paid handsomely by the broadcaster.

    She told the programme: “I think this agreed between him and the BBC to make [his departure] run as smooth as it possibly could…

    “He should have been fired, what he did was outrageous and we all know tabloids aren’t perfect but come on, this is the BBC.”

    Mr Butterworth added the situation may be more complex than many people think. 

    He explained: “If they had fired him, that would surely put the corporation in a complex legal situation because they will be accepting some kind of guilt via sacking him.”

    Mr Max then asked how the BBC could win back the trust of the public to which Ms Neesom bluntly replied: “Scrap the licence fee”. 

    Forged bank statements were drawn up by an unwitting graphic designer which showed senior palace courtiers being paid by newspapers in exchange for stories. 

    Mr Bashir also fed false stories to Princess Diana which included secret services keeping an eye on her in an attempt to make her paranoid. 

    During the bombshell interview, Princess Diana revealed the affair between Prince Charles and Camilla and questioned her husband’s ability to be king. 

    Media lawyers have suggested there may be many civil cases coming the BBC’s way as some of those involved in the story could sue for libel.

    One lawyer added the graphic designer behind the documents, Matt Wiessler, could claim money from the broadcaster for being unfairly sacked when the documents first came to light around 1996. 


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