Farage leads backlash over reports of 'firebreak' October lockdown – 'What was the point?'



    Nigel Farage, GB News presenter and former leader of the Reform Party, took to Twitter to hit out following reports ministers are considering another lockdown. The UK has seen high coronavirus cases throughout the summer, but lower deaths and hospitalisations compared to the winter.

    While Covid vaccinations have helped to reduce the link between infections and deaths, ministers are concerned about a spike in hospitalisations.

    A senior member of the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) warned there are plans for an October “firebreak” lockdown should hospitalisations threaten to overload the NHS.

    The scientist stated the UK is about to enter “an extended peak” of infections and hospitalisations, which could see the UK re-enter restrictions during the October school half term.

    They added: “This is essentially the precautionary break that Sage suggested last year.”

    Speaking to The i, the Sage member stressed a full lockdown would be a last resort, but is on the table should hospitalisations spiral out of control.

    They also told the outlet while Covid deaths are significantly higher than at the same point 12 months ago, they would have to rise fivefold to match those experienced in late October 2020, for action.

    They added: “We are going to be at a peak, albeit an extended peak, quite soon, so it’s not really the same situation as last year, when failure to reduce prevalence would have resulted in the collapse of NHS and people dying in car parks.”

    However, Mr Farage tore into suggestions the UK could be forced back into lockdown, saying the vaccine programme was meant to put an end to restrictions.

    He said on Twitter: “What was the point of the vaccine if we could be locked down all over again?”

    READ MORE: Lockdown warning for winter as Boris prepares for ‘necessary’ rules

    A Government spokesperson told Express.co.uk: “It is not true that the Government is planning a lockdown or firebreak around the October half term.

    “As set out in July, the Government retains contingency plans as part of responsible planning for a range of scenarios, but such measures would only be re-introduced as a last resort to prevent unsustainable pressure on the NHS.”

    However, Mr Farage’s post about the reports sparked a furious reaction.

    One said: “I won’t be in lockdown again..done my bit double vaccinated wore the mask played by the rules..not again!”

    Another added: “NHS has struggled every winter for decades.

    “It would be cheaper to increase funding permanently than to lock down every winter.

    “But most of all, lockdowns are a violation of our rights and are illegal.”


    Some said they would “not obey” lockdown restrictions if they were put in place.

    One said: “This is clearly more scare tactics to increase the uptake in vaccines, along with acceptance of vaccine passports.”

    Another said: “I reckon there might be a couple of billion or so people around the world asking the same question Nigel…”

    One social media user added: “I wouldn’t have had the vaccine if I’d known we would be locked down again.”

    However, others took issue with Mr Farage’s comments and said lockdowns may be necessary.

    One said the point of the lockdown was so “we don’t have to lockdown for nearly as long as we otherwise would have?”.

    They added: “Oh yeah, and, y’know, minimising hospitalisations and deaths.”

    Another said: “We were REALLY close to exceeding hospital extended capacity, before the Delta variant.

    “We’d have been in REAL trouble without the vaccine.”

    One more user added: “It’s not the vaccine that’s the problem it’s the ‘I’m not wearing a mask ‘ ‘I’m not getting jabbed’ ‘ I’m going to party like it’s 1999’ Crowd.

    “The reality is lockdowns work and if folk can’t find a balance then it will cost them their freedom.”

    Express.co.uk has contacted Downing Street for comment


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