Her Royal Highness, 95, was in high spirits at the Royal Windsor Horse Show as she was joined by Sophie Wessex, 56, and her daughter Lady Louise, 17. The Queen, well known for her love of horses and equestrian shows, was seen grinning while seated watching the show.
She was dressed in a bright blue coat with a matching floral hat, ideal for the summer event.
The Countess of Wessex and Lady Louise took part in activities during the day, including riding horses and carriages.
The Royal Windsor Horse Show is the largest horse show in the UK and spans five days.
It involves international competitions in different kinds of equestrian disciplines – dressage, show jumping, carriage driving and endurance riding.
READ MORE:Lady Louise Windsor rides Prince Philip’s carriage in tribute to Duke
Philip has been a fan of carriage-driving since the 1970s and has been designing vehicles since he took up the sport.
Sophie Wessex said in a BBC Radio 5 interview last month that Philip encouraged Lady Louise to get into the sport.
“He [Philip] was so pleased when she took the sport up because I took it up – I was at the beginning of my carriage driving career and I fell pregnant with Louise so I had to hang up the reins,” he said.
“So I was really delighted when she decided that she wanted to have a go and my father-in-law was always so good at encouraging.
“He was really encouraging of Louise and when she not only said can I have a go, but then showed a flair for it, he was just brilliant with her.”