Is CBD Oil for Dogs Safe?

    CBD Oil
    CBD Oil

    The love of dogs for people and vice versa is timeless and eternal. Still, that’s not the only thing that connects us with these amazing animals. If you already accept them as part of your lives, you must treat them properly. Love is always desirable, but often not enough to give your four-legged friend a quality life.

    Taking care of pets’ health is one of the obligations that every responsible owner should take on. That includes timely treatment, preventive vet checkups, and quality therapy to the dog. Regular visits to the vet can prevent many diseases. Still, the owner plays a significant role in providing quality nutrition and supplementation.

    One of the things to find on your dog’s menu is CBD oil. If you haven’t given it to your four-legged friend so far, you’ve probably heard of this supplement. Surely you know that so much hype about this hemp derivative is not without reason. Here, you can find some reasons for this popularity.

    Natural Origin

    What distinguishes CBD oil from classic supplements is its natural origin. This compound originally comes from cannabis but is taken from hemp for medicine and pharmacy. These two plants are the same species. Growers breed particular strains rich in cannabidiol and have a limited amount of THC.

    THC might enhance the overall benefits of CBD, but dogs have a low tolerance for it. Also, this compound has a psychoactive action. But some pet brands neglect that fact and use hemp strains with more THC than allowed, leaving buyers vulnerable to inferior or harmful products.

    Cannabidiol lacks an intoxicating effect. Also, extracting CBD from the plant material includes natural solvents (ethanol or CO2). That also affects the increased safety of CBD oil for dogs. There are no toxic residues or pollutants, providing raw material has a familiar, organic origin.

    Minimal Side Effects

    Despite the benefits of CBD, some adverse effects have been reported. Although their occurrence in dogs is rare, you should watch for any changes in your pet’s behavior. Some mild side effects should pass in a day or two. But if they persist, you should call your vet.

    Some dogs may experience excessive panting, vomiting, lethargy, dribbling urine, and loss of balance. They may even spit more than usual, and that could cause dehydration. If that happens, your pet should drink plenty of water throughout the day. No symptom should last longer than a day or two.

    CBD oils for dogs might not show their positive effects at once. But you should be patient and adjust the amount of the active ingredient until you find the best dosage. The positive effects may outweigh the risks. Read the instructions and consult your vet so your pup can enjoy the benefits of CBD to the fullest.

    Follow Dosage Requirements

    It’s hard to determine the exact amount of CBD that would be effective or harmful to a dog. It depends on many factors, such as your pup’s age, size, and health condition. But as the abuse potential of this hemp derivative is very low, there’s almost no risk of overdosing. So you can experiment a bit to determine the exact dosage for your furry buddy.

    But starting with small doses and careful monitoring is essential. More CBD than prescribed won’t harm your pet, but it will be ineffective. So instead, you should start with the lowest amount of cannabidiol and gradually increase it, providing your pup has no adverse effects.

    If your pet has an existing medical condition, your vet will be able to advise you on the proper course of treatment. In that case, you won’t even have to wonder is CBD safe for pregnant dogs, as you already know the answer – controlled dosage and vet supervision will give you peace of mind.

    Safer than Painkillers

    Dogs are active animals. While playing, running, or hunting, they can get hurt. Besides, some breeds are prone to degenerative disorders of the musculoskeletal system. These are all conditions that can cause severe mobility issues in your furry buddy. Also, a common disease affecting dogs is arthritis. It causes joint inflammation, which triggers chronic pain.

    In any of these cases, most vets prescribe painkillers. As for arthritis, there’s still no definite cure for it. So vets can only try to ease your pup’s symptoms. Painkillers are effective but addictive and can trigger many side effects.

    CBD oil for dogs is a safe alternative for your pet. It’s a natural painkiller and soothing agent with no intoxication effects. It has no mind-altering action, nor does it provoke that ‘high’ effect. That’s why this natural remedy has zero dependence risk.

    Use Only High-Quality Products

    If you’re considering giving CBD for dogs a try, you’ll want to find a high-quality product. Some companies sell genuine CBD oils, but you can run onto fake or poor-quality products. These can not only be ineffective but risky, too.

    When choosing CBD oil for your dog, make sure to look for proof of quality. While you can find many budget-friendly products on the market, their quality could easily be inferior. Due to the quality of raw material and complex extraction procedures, no genuine CBD oil can be cheap. So don’t cut corners when it comes to your pet’s health and safety.

    More purchase tips on hemp goods for dogs see below:

    CBD is safe for dogs, but you’ll have complete peace of mind only when given at the right dose and under the vet’s supervision. As the pet industry is still not regulated, you have to keep your eyes wide open and only buy these pet supplements from trusted sources.

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