Cold emailing and Email Spam test as innovative tools for the effective Marketing Campaign

    Email Spam test
    Email Spam test

    Cold emailing as a term and its connection with email spam test

    In the b2b world, there are many strategies and ways to extend the target audience. However, cold emailing remains one of those tested and effective methods that can boost your business. Cod emailing reveals itself the best with the use of email spam test as a powerful tool for widening new prospects.

    In this article you will find out:

    • Cold emailing as a term;
    • Evolution of cold emails and necessity of implementing of spam tester;
    • 3 main factors of using cold emailing and email spam check in marketing campaigns;
    • Cases of implementing cold emailing in the marketing;
    • Relevant content length;
    • Conclusions.

    Are you ready to dive deeper in this topic together? Let’s define a term!

    A cold email is a message that is sent to receivers that are barely familiar with a company or haven’t heard anything about it. Cold emailing is the opposite to warm emailing and transactional. It is often defined as a way of mailing to transform the relationship from random sender/receiver to credible business partners.

    Lots of business owners are not eager to use cold emailing in email marketing campaigns because receivers often accept such messages as spam. To not get your cold emails spammed, there are lots of factors you have to take into account. However, the most important rule here is to create an email with relevant and credible context to catch potential clients` attention.

    Putting efforts and time is worth implementing cold emailing potential into a marketing campaign because it opens a range of opportunities for your company, expanding the target audience, checking and testing your email deliverability, boosting sales, etc. To not mislead your credible sender`s status with spammed one, it is essential to adopt also those tools to help identify issues connected with emailing that might cause spamming company`s email account. One of such tools is the email test tool, which not only gives your marketing process a qualitative boost of email deliverability, but also makes a thorough analysis of spam issues that might fail this campaign.

    Evolution of cold emails and necessity of implementing of spam tester

    Using cold emailing in marketing is a common phenomenon that has been popular since the massive spreading of the Internet. However, one of the peculiarities of using the internet as a way of communicating with the new cold audience was sending emails to the huge unverified lists without personalization. At that time email providers weren`t strict to senders and emails of such type brought companies successful results and boosted sales as well. Being not segmented or personalized, cold emailing was easy to build a bridge between cold client and company.

    Since that time, email marketing processes and cold emailing have been developed, changed, and improved. Nowadays, marketers pay a lot of attention to customers, their desires and needs, literally putting themselves in customers` shoes. The better you will find out the recipient’s needs and preferences, the more you will simplify the process of building strong customer-company relationships and then boosting sales. Email marketers should be aware of showing respect to recipients because it is a key factor of cold emailing. Today receivers are not willing to get annoying and suspicious emails with loud slogans. The fewer potential clients get spamming and annoying emails in their inboxes, the higher the amount of leads the company gets.

    It is crucial to implement in email templates personalization and following relevant and interesting information as some of the ways of catching the attention of readers. Another important thing is checking your email template on the containment of spam content. In the process of creating a cold email template, you might accidentally write loud spammy words or phrases or include inappropriate subject lines. That is why using the spam tester before setting up an email marketing campaign would be a necessary and considerable decision. Implementing email deliverability tools will not only facilitate the process of attracting new leads into your company, but also helps prevent your company from getting blocked or spammed by email providers for suspicious behavior. But don`t worry about this scary passage, we are here to help you figure out how to create effective and fruitful cold emailing strategies.

    3 main factors of using cold emailing and email spam check in marketing campaigns

    Since the development of email marketing has grown in recent years, using cold emailing as part of the campaign is quite necessary. It is a progressive way of reaching out to new audiences with low risks if you follow rules of email integrity and email service providers. We can spend a great deal of time in discussion about the advantages of adopting cold emailing in the email marketing campaign and what it might bring for the company. Nevertheless, we want to highlight 3 important factors that explain why you have to implement this approach into your campaign. What are they?

    • Firstly, recent analytics shows that nowadays it is shortened the level of breaking-in behavior of senders. It is explained by sending emails in an annoying way with breaking time rules. So, at present times following time rules will prevent you not only from getting spammed or rejected, instead, you will give a chance to your company for the successful running of cold emailing.
    • Secondly, segmentation of your audience gives you a deeper understanding of what your target actually is. At this stage, you will be aware of their needs, preferences, and pains. Having detailed analysis, you have to contact potential clients using more personalized information that creates trust and credibility between stakeholders and shows your interest in clients` needs. So, nowadays it is essential to use improved approaches to personalization. Remember, the more you personalize your cold message due to the client’s needs and preferences, the more you get a chance to get response and, therefore, the quicker you will build customer-vendor relationships.
    • Thirdly, another reason why you should implement the cold emailing strategy is that modern email marketing suggests improved ROI generation. It means that by creating effective, personalized, and appealing templates, your outreach will get 99.9% or 20 out of 20 customers. The better you will compose a cold email template, the higher ROI you will generate.

    Creating an effective cold email template isn’t enough to enhance other factors that increase sales, email deliverability, and ROI. Let’s say that good cold email delivery depends on the level of email deliverability your company has. The satisfying rate of it is 95% which is preceded by lack of hard/soft bounces, high engagement rate with the audience, and successful email delivery to prospects` inboxes.

    To control all these indicators manually requires lots of time and resources. That’s why using Folderly email spam checker tool will be a huge advantage for your email marketing campaign. Being a world leader in email sales, Folderly is a product of b2b lead generation company Belkins that has the main focus on helping companies optimize email marketing processes, considering different aspects of leads` sales funnel and guaranteeing high level of testing of email deliverability. 

    H2: Cases of implementing cold emailing in the marketing

    We`ve just figured out why you have to consider implementing cold emailing in the marketing campaign. An effective, appealing and well-constructed cold email template brings to a company plenty of advantages in many cases. Let’s have a look at some of them.

    Representation of services in the cold email. Despitethe fact that cold emailing deals with leads that might have never heard about your company, it requires a lot of staff. The essential factor is to highlight points concurring with the target`s preferences, needs and cover their pains.

    Developing partnership relationships. Nowadays building strong partnership relationships with bloggers and influencers is a key aspect in promoting your company name, your services, or products. The most credible and ongoing relationships are developed when a company and influencer are acquainted personally. A well-structured and appealing cold email will be in use here. 

    Adding links to a cold email. Sometimes it isn’t possible to involve everything about your company in one message. That is why attaching links to your cold email will increase the generation of ROI because some potential customers tend to discover and read more about the company that sends them cold emails with the description of service or product.

    Promotion and expanding teams. Since email marketing has evolved, it caused the use of email inboxes as a source of news, media, and even communication with candidates for potential positions in a company. The use of cold emailing here is huge and not using its potential and resources with saving time will be a mistake.

    2 key tips on improving email cold strategy

    As much as we want it, there are cases when a cold emailing strategy doesn`t bring desirable results to your company. Sometimes a receiver might miss the email, or they forgot to respond to it. Besides, the effectiveness of cold emailing may be also declined by the low email deliverability, breaking time guidelines, or containment of spam content in your cold messages. Such email providers as Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook observe suspicious behavior of senders and you might be blocked by missing something accidentally. That is why we suggest you have a look at 2 main tips:

    1. Don`t be afraid of the repetitive launching of cold emailing campaigns. Instead, it will increase chances of interaction with leads, their responding to email, and further building customer-seller relationships. The important point here is that every new cold email template should be unique and contain new or additional information about your company, service or product.
    2. Checking emails on the spam containment will prevent you from being spammed or even worse blocked. Making a quick test email for spam with Folderly`s email spam checker (before launching cold emailing) will help you to identify issues your delivery face, clean sending lists that can have unverified and non-existent addresses, and even gives you personal recommendations on improving email deliverability.

    Relevant content corresponds to its length

    As we stated before, it is tough to find a person who wants to get long articles and messages in their inboxes. That’s why try to focus on a question: How to attract a prospect’s attention in 2-5 sentences?

    Not reaching more than 200 words is crucial here because of the following reasons. Firstly, it shows that you appreciate and respect the reader`s time and as a result, it shows your good reputation as a sender. Secondly, clear, concise, and informative content saves the time and resources of your company. Besides, analyzing, rereading, and getting rid of unnecessary elements of messages increases the chance that your cold email strategy will be effective and boost sales of your products.


    Finally, after discovering lots of advantages and tips in using a cold emailing strategy, there should be no place for hesitation. Remember, the better you create a well-organized, personalized, clear, concise, and informative cold email template, the better email deliverability you will and the more will increase sales and recognition of your brand. Following all tips for this strategy will allow you to dive into the world of email marketing flourishment and opportunities.

    Don`t forget that email deliverability is a centric metric that defines the effectiveness of an email marketing campaign. And our task is to enhance it with email testing tools provided by Folderly`s spam checker. Having great experience in email marketing automation systems, Folderly gives a detailed analysis of your data, IP, verifies sending lists, spam issues, and gives personal recommendations on boosting email delivery and sales rates as well. It doesn`t require any documents, data, or installation. Just sign up for a 7-day free trial and dive deeper into the perfect world of email cold marketing world.

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