Poinsettias: Gardening pro shares best spot for your festive plant – ‘avoid windowsills!’



    Poinsettias are native to Mexico and Central America but have become commonplace in UK homes around Christmas. The plants are known for their large red bracts which look like flowers, making them highly decorative. You will often find poinsettias in supermarkets as Christmas draws closer.

    However, despite poinsettias being found in stores across the country, they can have tricky needs.

    They need proper light, regular watering and temperature conditions.

    If you’re planning on buying a poinsettia soon but aren’t sure where to keep it, gardener Laetitia Maklouf has shared her tips for looking after the festive plant.

    Laetitia said in a video for the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) can also be kept for next year with a “bit of effort”.

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    Rather than keeping them on a windowsill or in porches, keep them in a room with plenty of sunlight and heat.

    However, the key tip to looking after poinsettias is not to overwater them.

    Laetitia added: “Put your poinsettia in a bright place with indirect sunlight and don’t overwater this plant.

    “Only water it when the soil starts to dry out.

    “If you’re giving it too much or too little water the leaves will let you know by turning yellow and wilting.”

    However, you will need to give it extra care.

    Decrease watering and allow the soil to dry out a bit, watering when needed.

    Pop the plant in a cool, dark area until April.

    In April, prune the plants and keep them in temperatures of around 13C, repotting them in May and allowing them to be kept in temperatures of around 15-18C.

    The plant should begin to flower and turn red again naturally in December and January when the days shorten.


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